
OM-200: Fully Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer

Oscar’s Fully Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer OM-200 is an advanced laboratory device that automates the entire process of biochemical testing on blood and bodily fluids. 

It efficiently handles sample preparation, reagent mixing, and result analysis, measuring various analytes like glucose, cholesterol, and enzymes. 

This high-throughput machine offers rapid, accurate, and reliable results, minimizing human error and labor. 

It is ideal for large-scale diagnostics in hospitals and research laboratories, enhancing patient care and clinical decision-making.


  • Fully Automatic with “Random Access” method: each sample is tested against each parameter one at a time; rather than testing all samples against each parameter at once (“Batch-type Method”). This makes for faster complete test results against each sample. 
  • Constant speed 200 tests per hour
  • In-built reagent pre-heating
  • In-built indication of reagent as well as sample level detection
  • Automatic 8 steps washing system making for very low carry-over of sample and reagent 
  • Independent continuous reagent cooling compartment removes the need for separate refrigeration of reagents
  • Built-in barcode reader (optional)
  • Clot detection function (optional)
  • Open of open or closed system for reagents
  • User-friendly software based on windows operating system
  • Time saving, simple programming and real walk-away operation
  • Uses Micro-volumes for sample and reagent, optimizing use of reagents
  • Multi-language software available