
OS-3000M: Semi-Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer

Oscar’s Semi-Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer OS-3000M performs biochemical tests on blood samples to measure various analytes like glucose, cholesterol, and enzymes. 

It requires manual sample preparation but automates analyses, providing accurate and reliable results for diagnostic and clinical purposes. 

Ideal for small to medium-sized laboratories.


  • Built-in incubator for heating up to 20 samples at a time
  • 7 filters (340/ 405/ 492/ 510/ 546/ 578/ 620 nm) for precise testing of samples
  • 0~3.000 O.D. measurement range
  • Store over 200 programs and up to 3000 test results
  • Utilizes latest Flow Cell Technology 
  • Maximize reagent consumption through low usage 
  • Easy-to-use Touch Screen Display 
  • Reagents open system supports flow-cell and cuvette modes
  • Analytical modes include: kinetic, fixed time, end point, bichromatic with or without reagent blank, or sample blank, linear or non-linear calibration
  • Easy to maintain
  • Multiform result output including comprehensive patient report 
  • Powerful QC function: Westgard Multirole, Levey Jennings plot, 2 control per test 
  • Automatic self-checking function on switching on