
Serology test

Serology test kits are crucial tools in diagnosing various infectious diseases by detecting specific antibodies or antigens in a person's blood serum. These kits enable rapid and accurate identification of infections like HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis. The user-friendly design typically involves collecting a blood sample for analysis.



Serology test kits have proven invaluable in epidemiological surveillance, aiding in the early detection and containment of outbreaks. The convenience and speed of these kits make them instrumental in healthcare settings, allowing for prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Additionally, during global health crises such as pandemics, serology test kits contribute significantly to mass testing efforts, helping to understand and control the spread of infectious agents.



Serology test kits feature rapid and precise detection of antibodies or antigens in blood serum, aiding in the diagnosis of infectious diseases. These kits are user-friendly, typically requiring a blood sample for analysis. Their versatility makes them valuable in diagnosing various infections, including HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis. The quick results provided by serology test kits facilitate timely intervention and public health measures, especially during outbreaks. With their simplicity and reliability, these kits play a crucial role in healthcare settings, supporting effective disease management and control.



Serology test kits are essential for diagnosing infectious diseases by detecting specific antibodies or antigens in blood serum. Widely used in healthcare settings, these kits enable the rapid identification of infections such as HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis. They are instrumental in epidemiological surveillance, aiding in early detection during outbreaks. The convenience and speed of serology test kits make them valuable tools in mass testing efforts, contributing to effective disease management and control, particularly in the context of global health crises.

Oscar Serology test Products


Rapid Test Kits


Latex agglutination slide test for qualitative & Semi-quantitative detection of Anti Streptolysin-0 (ASO) in human serum