
Urine Strip

Urinalysis is a diagnostic test that involves examining a patient's urine to gather valuable information about their health. The analysis includes assessing physical, chemical, and microscopic components of urine. Physical characteristics, such as color and clarity, offer initial insights, while chemical tests detect substances like glucose or proteins. Microscopic examination involves identifying cells, crystals, or bacteria.



Commonly used in routine health check-ups, urinalysis aids in diagnosing various conditions, including urinary tract infections, kidney disorders, and diabetes. Abnormalities in color, odor, or the presence of specific compounds can indicate underlying health issues. As a non-invasive and cost-effective diagnostic tool, urinalysis plays a crucial role in preventive medicine and the early detection of renal or metabolic abnormalities.



Urinalysis test kits offer a convenient and rapid means of assessing various aspects of urine composition. These kits typically include strips containing reagent pads that change color when exposed to specific substances in urine. Key features often encompass the ability to detect parameters like pH, glucose, protein, ketones, and blood. The simplicity and quick results of these kits make them valuable for routine health monitoring, aiding in the early detection of conditions such as diabetes, kidney disorders, or urinary tract infections.



Urinalysis test kits find versatile applications in healthcare, enabling quick and convenient assessment of various urine components. These kits are commonly utilized for routine health check-ups, early detection of conditions like diabetes, kidney disorders, and urinary tract infections. They play a vital role in monitoring treatment effectiveness and can be valuable in occupational health screenings. The user-friendly nature of these kits makes them accessible for both healthcare professionals and individuals seeking convenient at-home health assessments.

Oscar Urine Strip Products


Rapid Test Kits

Urine Strip

For qualitative detection of GLUCOSE & PROTEIN in human urine using Urinary Strips (2P).